The 7 Deadly Sins of Tango

  1. Staying home because you don’t have a partner to dance with – During the Milonga each couple dances one Tanda (3 song set) then changes partners, eventually someone gets tired and you will surely be invited to dance!
  2. Fear of learning a combination of rhythm, melody and musicality as well as steps and techniques – it’s really a matter of mix and match, find a rhythm and move your feet!
  3. Fear of looking sophisticated and phenomenally cool – Tango can make total strangers stop and let their jaw hang open as they watch you floating around the floor in unison with your partner….all the while fantasizing it were them.
  4. Dancing as if it were a competitive event – Tango originated as a social event, so keep it social and be courteous to the other dancers on the floor!
  5. Fear of trying new things – Tango is mostly improvisational, with minimal choreography, once you learn a few basic patterns mix and match to your hearts content!
  6. Losing  “the connection” with your partner, the dance floor, the music and the other dancers – you will know that this has happened if you find yourself dancing clumsily…
  7. Fear that others will notice you’ve had a brain injury – Tango has been proven to improve brain hemisphere synchronicity and has been shown to be effective as a means of rehabilitation for victims of Stroke and Parkinson’s Disease!  Get up and Dance!
  8. Fear of  dressing up – although classes and practices are pretty laid back, there are “no holds barred” at the Milonga – think  “Haute’ Couture”
  9. Fear of embracing a partner on the dance floor – Tango requires either: open embrace (Salon) or close embrace (Milonguero), at  a Milonga each dancing couple decides what degree of closeness is right for them.